Primula auricula- MIXED 9cm


Fancy starting a collection of a Victorian era fetish plant? Traditionally displayed in “Auricula Theatres”, this alpine Primula is characterised by leathery leaf rosette and quirky, many varied, spring flowers from greens and browns through to yellows, purples, pinks and all the combinations in-between.

These particular ones are a mix (because I lost all the name labels due to a dodgy pen) But you may get;

Wooten’s Pearl Gem, Ancient Society, Fabuloso, Greenfinch, Phyllis Douglas, Anwar Sadat, Bendigo, Finchfield, Lolita, Nickety, Contina or Rajah.

A lucky dip of goodness! Swat up on google about best care, they like it airy and cool and bright and not sodden wet. Well drained substrates, I add a slow release organic feed like bonemeal, careful with the watering, they HATE sitting with pooled wet in the leaf. I overwinter cold tunnel. Bone hardy things, but stroppy in the wet/humid.

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