Individual Plants Nursery garden is primarily a stock garden to propagate plants from for the nursery itself. I grow plants that I love personally so I have a lot of subshrubs, grasses & the more unusual perennials & short lived self-seeders. The site is extremely steep with terraces created to accommodate the tunnels & some outdoor growing space for holding areas & some vegetable production. My personal aesthetic when it comes to planting is for texture & form & the nuances of tone.

Due to the difficult conditions I have a minimal input policy when it comes to maintenance & everything has to work hard. Luckily I like genera that need minimal spoiling & fairly poor soil conditions. I will always find a way to work with the conditions I have which I believe is the key to sustaining our ability to work in the garden.

Nearer the house I grow a selection of plants in pots & am trying to create a hardy succulent border. As with all working gardener’s gardens though, it could all do with lots more work to shine!


Small New Build Garden